Eu devia pensar seriamente nisto.
E em trabalhar e não me distrair, já que estamos numa de perder velhos hábitos.
Por falar em trabalho, passar pelos corredores deste aquário seja por que motivo for, hoje é uma tentação. Com esta preguiça, dá vontade de ser gato e espreguiçar-se a manhã toda à janela e apanhar o rico solinho que por ela passa.
Que sono.
Postado por
11:54 da manhã
1 comentários
museu da imagem
Estava a pensar em mudar a lista. O item n.º6, como agora acabei de me aperceber, deixa a desejar relativamente ao que aquela casa pode oferecer.
Mas como o que está feito fica feito e eu já lancei a lista, assim ela vai ficar.
Para além disso, ter ido uma vez serviu para quebrar o gelo. Ir lá não vai tardar a tornar-se um hábito e espero poder ter oportunidade de subir àquele terceiro andar que está vedado ao público e que eu sei estar recheado de coisas preciosas.
Hoje foi a melhor coisa que podia ter feito.
Vai ser um bom recurso para dias em que mais vale não sair de casa, já estou a ver.
Lá, está o trabalho do António Drumond. Ler aqui e aqui.
Postado por
6:55 da tarde
a lista da joui
1. Find a way to live closer/with my Boy
2. Walk the Way of St. James, the french trail
3. Go to Canada
4. Visit Rita in Amsterdam
5. Develop the b&w films that I've been piling up
6. Go to Museu da Imagem
7. Visit Isa in Sardinia
8. Do an Interrail, even if a small one
9. Read the Umberto Eco books I've been meaning to read for ages (0/3)
10. Finish reading D. Quijote de la Mancha
11. Bake and sell 20 pies, cakes or batches of biscuits (0/20)
12. Use up a whole film with pictures of weird things in the streets
13. Get myself a real digital camera
14. Climb the Minas dos Carris trail once more
15. Knit a jumper
16. Finish Camila's blanket
17. Achieve 100 camp nights badge at Scouts
18. Make a quilt
19. Build a 5000 piece puzzle
20. Fix my cello
21. Buy 5 new pieces of music and play them
22. Learn to make quince cheese with my grandma
23. Learn to make dairy products in the country with real shepherds
24. Make 10 plain tote bags and stamp nice stuff on them (0/10)
25. Make hair braids at the beach or festivals in the Summer
26. Help building houses at the Habitat Association
27. Read Memory & Music
28. Pass the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English exam
29. Learn how to cross process
30. Put my photos in a handmade photoalbum
31. Learn to speak a new language
32. Do First Aid training
33. Learn to cook seafood
34. Take part in a grape harvest
35. Take part in a maize harvest
36. Learn how to plant vegetables in a vegetable garden
37. Be a tourist in Braga
38. Be a tourist in Porto
39. Be a tourist in Lisbon
40. Visit the 10 Portuguese Historic Villages (0/10)
41. Learn how to make paper
42. Write a tale with Jo
43. Apply for a place in a lab in Montréal
44. Learn how to cook Arroz de Pato (Duck Rice)
45. Walk the Alentejo Coast and get to know its villages
46. Watch 10 classic portuguese movies (4/10)
47. Pay off my debts
48. Read Andy Field's book
49. Learn how to use picture and music editing software
50. Make 10 handmade Christmas gifts and give them on time (0/10)
51. Donate blood 4 times (0/4)
52. Sign up as a bone marrow donator
53. Learn how to and create a website
54. Take my sister to visit a different city
55. Surprise 5 different people (0/5)
56. Make a scrapbook
57. Listen to the most important works of 10 different composers in the history of Jazz (0/10)
58. Make fruit jam
59. Go snowboarding (went skiing!)
60. Plant strawberries
61. Plant aromatic herbs: parsley, coriander, basil, marjoram
62. Go to Andanças
63. Bake three kinds of bread (0/3)
64. Learn how to make Folar da Páscoa in a wood fired oven
65. Get myself a bike to ride around in Braga
66. Make friendship bracelets for 20 people (0/20).
67. Get my driver's license
68. Learn how to juggle
69. Send 100 postcrossing postcards (10/100)
70. Send 25 postcards from different places to my friends who live far away (0/25)
71. Walk in high heel shoes once in my life
72. Sponsor a needy child
73. Read "Rovering to Success" by Baden-Powell
74. Make a sténopé
75. Go to Exeter and find old friends
76. Make 5 t-shirts to offer (0/5)
77. Backup my hard disk
78. See Radiohead live
79. Take a photography classes
80. Write Chloé a letter
81. Learn a martial art
82. Make merengue
83. Read Malabou's book and watch her conference
84. Read 25 books from here or here from my selection (4/25)
85. Throw together a recipe book
86. Make a patchwork sack
87. Be Amiga-da-Velha (Velha-a-Branca @ Braga)
88. Go to a massage workshop
89. Watch 15 plays (0/15)
90. Get to know 10 traditional music groups (10/10)
91. Cut my hair short
92. Do an Intrarrail in Portugal
93. Do humanitarian aid in a different country
94. Have a BMI=21
95. Swim 1500m in one session, and make them regular (min. 8 times - 1/8)
96. Go to Paris
97. Build 10 papier-maché things (0/10)
98. Make a b&w photo composition
99. Visit Rita and Cati in Granada
100. Be a member of Bomboémia
101. Organize 4 activities with Psychology Students' Association (4/4)
Postado por
5:52 da tarde
coisas das cidades
Ontem de manhã.
Na minha única e matinal passeata pela cidade de Genève, de toda a semana que passei na Suíça. Descobri que uma das livrarias do centro tinha fechado. E estava coberta de posters do Mickael Carreira.
Apercebi-me que a calçada irregular da cidade de Braga vai tornar impossível vir de patins em linha para a Universidade.
Vai mesmo ter que ser de bicicleta.
Where oh where vou arranjar uma?
Postado por
4:35 da tarde
da campânula
Como é que eu podia escrever sobre a vida, se nunca tinha tido uma verdadeira relação amorosa, um bebé, ou visto alguém morrer?
Sylvia Plath, in A Campânula de Vidro
Postado por
cursed eyes
1:46 da tarde
1 comentários
a lista da joana
1 - Do a one year European Voluntary Service in Hungary in a ethno-something project
2 - Finish knitting the sweater I've started a year ago
3 - Knit myself a sweater
4 - VisitRita in Amesterdam
5 - Visit Cati and Rita in Granada
6 - Visit Rachele in Mantova
7 - Go to Genova to meet Cate, Ele and Gio
8 - Learn to dance mazurka (31.3.2010 aula de danças com lili)
9 - Learn to play the bagpipe (terminadas as aulas de iniciação, em Setembro há mais!)
10 - Read "Notes from the underground" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
11 - Read ten classic books (3/10)
12 - Start drawing
13 - Buy 20 comic books (6/20)
14 - Make some comic strips with collages and they won bienal's prize!
15 - Write a tale with Joui
16 - Make a photo collection
17 - Publish it in postcard version and sell it
18 - Sign a magazine
19 - Get the driver's licence
20 - Visit the Image Museum in Braga
21 - Go to "Novelas de Braga" at Velha-a-Branca
22 - Colaborate with at least 4 activities for the Psychology Students Association (3/4) well, we made 3 major activities so I'll cross it anyway 'cause I helped in 3 out of 3! 23/6/2008
23 - Learn to Cross Process
24 - Share a home at Budapest
25 - Buy myself a tent
26 - Do the "Carris" trail at Gerês' Natural Park(24.11.2007)
27 - Be driven by Alentejo by the alentejano-by-heart
28 - Discover Entre-ambos-os-Rios
29 - Survive a survival camping
30 - Write and send fifteen letters (17/15)
31 - Make ten surprises to friends of mine (2/10)
32 - Go to the Azores
33 - Take my mother to London
34 - Learn to make fruit jams
35 - Bake scones five times (2/5)
36 - Do the Santiago's french trail
37 - Learn to play tennis
38 - Meet Laura in a new city
39 - Handmake one familiy album
40 - Visit Braga's prison - search for data on my great grandfather's emprisionment
41 - Write my family's history
42 - Write daily on my personal website, from another city
43 - Learn to create a personal website (
44 - Go to the European Ethnomusicology Seminar
45 - Candidate myself to PedeXumbo's instrument grant
46 - Buy a Hu-Lu-Si - a three piped flute from China
47 - Watch 50 movies (50/50)
48 - Do activities in Montariol during satuday afternoons
49 - Help to organize the best FUMP - Popular Music University Festival, or at least, the most portuguese
50 - Photograph Braga's interiors of traditional trade
51 - Teach Chapelloise to the little ones in Montariol
52 - Make a photo album for myself, always under construction
53 - Read "Os Maias" by Eça de Queirós again
54 - Learn to play with Poi
55 - Dress myself as Frida at some Carnival or theme party
56 - Color a coloring book (23.11.2007)
57 - Learn to dive
58 - Make a compilation in little notebooks of music, traditions, legends and stories from Portugal's several regions
59 - Photograph all my friends with a self-portrait of themselves covering their face
60 - Buy Jamie Oliver's cooking book (13.11.2007) - I've decided to cross this one out because I got this by Tessa Kiros for my birthday, wich seems a lot yummier!)
61 - Have a digital camera
62 - See Gaiteiros de Lisboa e Danças Ocultas live
63 - Finally make the velcro t-shirt
64 - Get a part-time job
65 - Write a letter, and read it when I'm 26
66 - Buy a notebook and a pen. Carry them at all times. In the notebook: 27.11.2007
Draw my dinner
Find a picture of someone I don't know. Write their bio
Draw my favourite tree
Illustrate the shopping list
Draw everything inside my bag
Create a character based on someone I know. List it's characteristics
Make a compilation of the childhood games
Draw the same object everyday for a week
Draw a map of my favourite places to sit reading in my city
Make a graph that measures something in my life
Make instructions to some simple daily task
List ten of my habits
67 - Make a puppet
68 - Read a book with another person
69 - Make a mix CD and offer it to someone with listening instructions and a map. Thou shall only listen this in this place, sort of thing
70 - Record a conversation with no one knowing
71 - Pay a school year to an indian girl
72 - Learn do drive a bike (well...know how to not fall :P)
73 - Read "A Caminho do Triunfo" by Baden Powell
74 - Read fifty books, besides the ten classics (17/50)
75 - Roller-skate
76 - Send a postcard to Postsecret
77 - Make a piercing
78 - Learn to make ice-cream
79 - Make ten origami figures (8/10)
80 - Read the Bible
81 - Read thirty scientific articles until 31st December 2007 (19/30)
82 - Start collecting paper
83 - Organize my mp3's
84 - Reduce my e-mail accounts to four
85 - Participate or help others to participate in RoverWay 2009, in Iceland
86 - Make a stencil with João
87 - Put beautiful images in my bedroom walls
88 - Make a doll to Dinis
89 - Get to know Portugal's ten historic villages (0/10)
90 - Learn how to make cheese with João
91 - Sell stuff at Feira do Entulho in Guimarães
92 - Find a decent photobooth. A strip with good company
93 - Dance a ball from beginning to end ("Há Pó na Junta!" 28.11.2009)
94 - Make the moustache dinner. With girls
95 - Taste vietnamite food
96 - Offer some flowers to my mom, just because
97 - Go to the circus
98 - Send eight postcards saying THANK YOU! (0/8)
99 - Go to the cemitery
100 - Make postcards with collages. Send them to future illustrations (0/20)
101 - See an Aurora Burealis
Postado por
cursed eyes
4:38 da tarde